Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Eunoia recognizes our social responsibility and professional mission when using personal data collected directly in business or entrusted to us by customers, and complies with laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding the protection of personal data. We will establish and implement the following policies in order to carry out our business activities.

  1. We will only collect, use, and provide the minimum personal information specified as necessary for business purposes. In addition, customer requests regarding this information will be taken fully into consideration.
  2. When entrusting or providing personal data to a third party, we will select a person who meets a sufficient level of security and take appropriate measures by contract.
  3. We will comply with laws and ordinances regarding the protection of personal data.
  4. We will take rational and effective security measures to eliminate risks such as leakage, damage, and unauthorized access to personal data.
  5. We will review the handling of personal data in a timely and appropriate manner and continuously work to improve the level of management.
  6. This policy will be posted to all departments and distributed to all employees in an effort to educate and enlighten employees and increase awareness of personal data protection.
  7. The above policy also applies to the privacy policy of recruitment applicants and our employees.

About Our Website

When making inquiries on our website, we may ask you to provide personal data such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address. In accordance with the above Privacy Policy, we will use this information only within the scope notified to the customer and handle it in a safe environment where security is ensured.
Although our web page has links to other websites (businesses or individuals), we are not responsible for the protection of your personal data etc. on these websites. Please be careful when accessing external pages.

The Use of Cookies

Our web page utilizes Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, to analyze and improve our site. This service uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you.
Google’s Use of Data When Users Use Google Partner Sites and Apps
You may refuse to provide these cookies by adjusting the settings on your web browser. If you do so, you may not be able to use all or part of the services on our web pages.

Handling of Personal Data

The handling of personal data collected, used, and provided by the Company will be outlined below.

  1. Purpose of Using Personal Data
    We will use personal data for the following purposes and within the scope of the purpose or purposes specified in advance.
  2. Personal data of our customers and business partners
    • Customers of business partners
      • Business negotiations, meetings, contact, etc.
      • Providing information and contacting the person in charge of the business partner, etc.
      • After-sales service and management
      • Information about our related services and services
      • Service provision and service support
      • Sending information on seminars, exhibitions, and events
      • Access control to our facilities
      • Surveys, questionnaires
      • Various inquiries and consultations
    • Customers who contact us for various services
      • Sending materials, providing information on products and services handled, and providing useful information, etc.
      • Request for questionnaire regarding improvement of products and services handled
      • Various statistical processing

About the Provision of Personal Data to a Third Party

We will not provide personal data to a third party without the prior consent of the individual, except in the following cases.

  1. When required by law
  2. When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of that person.
  3. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  4. When it is necessary in cooperation with a national institution, a local public organization, or an entity entrusted with it to carry out affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and in which obtaining the consent of the person involved, is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.

Outsourcing of Personal Data

We may outsource personal data to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve purpose of use. In such cases, a contractor will be selected with a robust personal data protection system, complete a contract regarding personal data protection, and supervise the contractor as is necessary and appropriate.

Provision to Third Parties in Foreign Countries(Region)

When providing personal information to a third party in a foreign country, we will obtain consent from that individual in advance, unless an exception is permitted by law. When consent is obtained in advance, the individual will be informed of the system for protecting personal information in the foreign country in question, the measures taken by the third party for the protection of personal information, and other information that should be referred to by the person. Additionally, the individual will be provided with information about the third party in a foreign country (limited to those who have established the system stipulated in Paragraph 1). Based on the consent, the Company will take necessary measures to ensure implementation and provide information on such necessary measures at the request of the individual.

Anonymized Data

  1. Creation of anonymously processed information
    When our Company creates anonymously processed information (information about an individual obtained by processing personal information so that it is not possible to identify specific individuals through measures stipulated by law, and such personal information cannot be restored) we will take the following actions.
    1. Appropriate processing should be performed in accordance with the standards stipulated by law.
    2. Safety management measures are taken to prevent leakage of deleted information and information on the methods of processing in accordance with the standards stipulated by law.
    3. Disclosure of the information included in the anonymously processed information.
    4. Do not take any actions that identify the individual or individuals whose personal information was the source for the data.
  2. Providing anonymously processed information
    When providing anonymously processed information to a third party, we will disclose the items of information regarding individuals included in the anonymously processed information and the method of provision, as well as clearly indicate that the information provided is anonymously processed information.
  3. Safety management and grievance processing
    When anonymously processed information is created, we will voluntarily take measures such as safety management and grievance processing to ensure the proper handling of anonymously processed information, and publicly disclose the details of these measures.

About Pseudonymous Processed Information

  1. When creating pseudonymous processed information, the Company shall process personal information in accordance with the standards stipulated by law.
  2. When the Company creates pseudonymous processed information or has obtained pseudonymous processed information and deleted or otherwise information pertaining to such pseudonymous processed information, we will take measures to ensure the secure management of this information in accordance with the standards stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Commission.
  3. Pseudonymous processed information will not be used by the Company beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use, except as required by law. Pseudonymous processed information based on personal information in our possession will be used in the place of personal information for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy. When pseudonymous process information is acquired through outsourcing, business succession, or joint use, we will promptly disclose the purpose of use. If the purpose of use is changed in any way, the Company shall publicly disclose the changed purpose of use.
  4. The Company will not provide pseudonymous processing information (excluding personal information) to a third party, except with the prior consent of the individual and in accordance with laws and regulations.
  5. When handling pseudonymous processed information, we will not take any action or match it with any information that may identify the individuals whose personal information was used to create the pseudonymous processed information.
  6. When there is no further use for pseudonymous processed information created from personal or deleted information, we will endeavor to promptly delete such personal data and deleted information, etc. without delay.
  7. The Company shall take the necessary and appropriate measures for the secure management of pseudonymous processed information, handling of complaints regarding the creation and other handling of pseudonymous processed information, and other necessary measures to ensure the proper handling of such information.
  8. The Company shall not use the contact information or other information included in pseudonymous processed information for the purpose of contacting said person.

Disclosure / Correction / Suspension of Use of Personal Data

Any requests for disclosure, correction, or suspension of the use of personal data will be responded to in accordance with our prescribed methods. Specific methods may be provided in some cases, feel free to please contact us at the address listed below for further information.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the disclosure of your personal information, requests for the discontinuation of use of your personal information (including the discontinuation of provision to third parties), complaints about our handling or use of your personal information, or the contents of this page, please contact us by e-mail at the following address.

Regarding the voluntary nature of providing personal information by the individual and the consequences if such information is not provided

Please note that if you do not provide personal information as requested by us, or if there is are any incomplete entries, we may not be able to effectively provide products and services.

Security Measures

We will take the necessary security measures to prevent leakage or loss of personal information and manage it appropriately.